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The Big Easy (National ASLA)

Hey Guys! Due to this years National ASLA (American Society of Landscape Architecture) Convention being held in New Orleans LA, I was able to experience a bit of the city this past weekend. Let me start by saying I have probably put on a few pounds...I just do not understand how food could be that good!!! I feel ridiculous because I have been going their my whole life and never truly understood what a prize New Orleans is. My whole family is from there, but time and time again I did not understand their love for this drowning city. WHAT A FOOL I WAS! Maybe it has to do with my age but New Orleans engulfed me in happiness. I was in awe by its historic beauty, the undeniable culture, and the people's contentment with life in general. This may sound confusing so I am going to elaborate on these. This is a city that has not grown up, The french Spanish architecture has been preserved to the point that you feel you are in another time yourself. The culture is the entire experience from the smell of delicious food in the air, the sound of music drifting down every corridor, and the people whom represent that. The hardest thing I have to explain is the people, I mean to say that most of the people I ran into were happy to do their job. This may seem meniscuell and of little importance but tell me how often you go through your entire day encountering people whom love selling you food, love giving you directions, love singing to you. To me it stood out that these were not career jobs but I new the people had been doing it for years and still loved it! They didn't do it for the money, for the status, they just did it because they had been satisfied there and felt at home. WOW! How desirable to love a place in life that much! Over all each of these factors had a hand in stealing a part of my heart and I very much look forward to my return to The Big Easy. I just love you so much!

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